60 Classics of 1970s British Comedy TV

It cannot be denied, 1970s comedy can be a sticky subject. Society’s values have changed, and what was considered funny once may now be frowned upon as unacceptable and even downright offensive. Our perpetual quest for subtlety and nuance has also undoubtedly rendered much of it embarrassingly predictable. And yet in our desire always to […]

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20 Top Detectives From TV and Cinema in the 1970s

There has probably never been a decade like the seventies for smart sleuths and cool cops. And whilst the Americans commanded the larger part of the market, there were some unforgettable British contributions too. Here we take a look at some of the most memorable crime-busters to grace our screens during the glorious 1970s: 1. […]

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Mary Whitehouse – Not All the Girls Loved Alice

It is pretty much unthinkable that anyone who remembers the 1970s would not recall the determined interventions of Mrs. Constance Mary Whitehouse, CBE, guardian of the nation’s conscience, which were frequent and resolute. An evangelical Christian and former sex education teacher, for the best part of three decades Mary Whitehouse and her much-feared letters of […]

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12 Things We Most Remember About 1976

1. Concorde enters service On January 21st 1976 a British Airways Concorde took off from London Heathrow airport with a full compliment of passengers destined for Bahrain, while at the exact same time Air France’s maiden Concorde flight left the runway at Paris’ Orly airport for Rio de Janeiro. After initially having been refused permission […]

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Brotherhood of Man Win 1976 Eurovision Song Contest for the UK

. Few institutions have aroused fascination and mockery in such equal measure as the Eurovision Song Contest. Staged by the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) since 1956, it is easily the longest-running televised competitive annual musical event. Each year most of the nations of Europe, plus one or two others besides, vie for the prize of […]

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