Is it Fair to Be Cynical About Nostalgia?

Back in November 2022, a very well-written and thought-provoking piece appeared in The Guardian. Entitled “‘Who remembers proper binmen?’ The nostalgia memes that help explain Britain today”, it was penned by one Dan Hancox and became the latest offering from the newspaper’s The Long Read series of articles, which it describes as “in-depth reporting, essays […]

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60 Classics of 1970s British Comedy TV

It cannot be denied, 1970s comedy can be a sticky subject. Society’s values have changed, and what was considered funny once may now be frowned upon as unacceptable and even downright offensive. Our perpetual quest for subtlety and nuance has also undoubtedly rendered much of it embarrassingly predictable. And yet in our desire always to […]

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Remembering the Ladybird Invasion of 1976

Although there have been hotter summers in terms of temperatures reached, the great summer of 1976 remains the benchmark by which other heatwaves in the United Kingdom are measured. There are many good reasons for this. During the intense and unrelenting heat of that year reservoirs dried up, roads melted, crop yields were badly hit […]

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