Although always interested in creative writing, Phil published his first work The Best Year Of Our Lives in July 2017. It was the fulfilment of an ambition which he had held for all his adult life to record the thoughts, dreams, aspirations and events which had defined his adolescence in the mid-1970s, albeit in a fictional and romanticised setting. He opted for the self-publishing route as the best means of preserving the integrity of his work, prioritising creative honesty over sales potential.
Despite never having followed a fixed career path he has worked extensively in a wide variety of areas including exports, retail and service management and running his own small businesses, as well as bar work, marshalling and stewarding at public events and a plethora of unskilled and manual occupations. He was a local independent councillor for twelve years, holding the Housing and Community Services cabinet portfolio on his local authority for three, followed by a year chairing his local area planning committee.
Today he undertakes content writing services for commercial clients as well as producing his own material, which usually features a 1970s theme. He is married to Caroline, has grown-up twins Joseph and Rosina, retains an interest in local community events and is an active member and deacon at Isleworth Congregational Church. Aside from writing his hobbies include enjoying music, using his local gym, holidaying and following the fortunes of his local football team Brentford.

Phil with some of the biggest stars of yesteryear: Don Powell (Slade), Bruce Welch (The Shadows), Rob Davis (Mud) and Jona Lewie, best known for his big hit singles You’ll Always Find Me in the Kitchen at Parties and Stop the Cavalry.